Current Assignment(s)
Due: Recommended by Monday, 6.04
Setting States
You’ll notice on the previous page’s example that the style of the link reacted when you moused-over it. This provides a visual idicator to a visitor that the link is still active, should they look for it again after it was visited (set to gray out in the :visited
Many pseudo-classes react to events like these, which we generally refer to as states.
The most common pseudo-class states:
(event is triggered when mouse hovers over):active
(event is triggered while element is selected)
selector:hover {}
selector:active {}
/* The word selector in the above is replaced with
the normal CSS selectors used to identify elements. */
p:hover {
color: green;
NOTE: Any pseudo-class that relies upon mouse information (such as the ones below) will not translate to mobile devices.
“When would I use states?”
“Quite often!” Many elements can utilize hover states, although it is most commonly used with links.
Buttons are built with states. Active states make a button feel more real by slightly changing the color when the user presses it. But this can be used for any pressed effect.
If the example below, the button utitlizes :hover
to change the appearance of the text, and :active
to give the experience of a button press.
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