
To complete this area of the course, you’ll need to have registered for a free GitHub account.

We will discuss more in the future, but in the meantime, I would you like you to know that GitHub is a web service which is used for storing git repositories by developers. Much of that statement is still likely jargon to you, and that’s okay - it will all come in time.

Create a Account

To begin, you need to register with

Note Please choose a username that you are comfortable with being part of your publicly-visible URL. For grading purposes, this should be a derivative of your name (make it easy on us, please).

  • JustineEvansMT
  • JNEvans
  • J-Evans-Filmographer
  • digitalDJ
  • 7sb00-dkns_42

Your username will be publicly available and used often for many things throughout this course (ie. homework) and your entire time on GitHub.

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Edit Your Profile

After registering, you need to update your profile to include your full name for grading purposes.

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logistics github registration