About the Course

Welcome to Introduction to Web Design & Development!

This experience is intended to make you comfortable with presenting yourself through the web, learning skills that should allow you to build, manage, and develop websites.

My name is
and I develop websites from scratch

This is not a Wix or WordPress development course; this is a development course! Here, we learn coding and do-it-yourself design, sobe prepared to roll up your sleeves and “git” dirty...

Here, students will gain necessary skills in this introduction to the fundamentals of website structure, content design, and navigation. Areas of focus will be directory structure, visual design, user navigation, audio/video integration, and domain management. This course is open to all level of student, but and is geared to non-majors and beginners.

We will start with an overview of technologies used for web development, followed by an in-depth presentation of HTML and CSS. We conclude by exploring responsive web design, site frameworks, and site management solutions.

These Fine Folks

Many thanks to the people who have created, maintained, cried, and bled for this site:

profile of Justine Evans

Justine Evans

Instructor Originator

Professional de-constructor, media artist, digital designer, and experimenter. Avid connoisseur of B-movies and Jonny Cash.

profile of Michael Musick

Dr. Michael Musick


Media artist, music technologist, composer, performer, improviser, and researcher in interactive performance systems.


This site was created and maintained by Justine Evans (justine.evans@umontana.edu).

Created imagery is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Creative Commons License


Much of the content for this course has been adapted from the Jon Duckett’s HTML and CSS book. Many code examples are also copied or derived from their examples available from the book’s homepage.

Additional material has been linked from or adapted from:


Adapted from “Jekyll Doc Theme” by Can Güney Aksakalli, MIT licence.

Icons provided by:

Addition assests:

  • “Web Design Machine,” flash animation (c) NetSoftLab
  • “Octocat says Hi!,” morph animation (c) Eli Fitch
  • “Production Services,” gif animation (c) PepCreations