Creating a New README File

Let’s begin by creating your very own for Assignment 1 (“A1”).

My First README (File)

Step 1: Open Atom. From the file menu, select "New File."

Creating a new file in Atom

Step 2: Copy and Paste this line into the blank file:   # My First

First line in the Atom editor

Step 3: Save the file as "" or "". At this time, you can save it anywhere you'll remember.

IMPORTANT Only name your files or No other names or spaces.

Saving a new readme in Atom

Step 4: Preview what the rendered text will look like by opening the command palette by going to view > "Toggle Command Palette."

Toggled command palette

Step 5: In the input line, start typing “preview” until “Markdown Preview: Toggle” is seen. Select this option by clicking it or pressing return. This will show you the rendered version of the markdown code.

Using the markdown preview

Step 6: You should now see your file and rendered preview. Now you can begin your homework!

Markdown preview

development guide how readme