Via Referenced Files

For our class, we will create some of our assignment/ and project/ directories with a sub-directory called pages/. It will contain all of our additional .html pages, not any of which will be called index.html.

This is good for those of us learning directory structure for the first time, but because these sub-directories will not have an index.html file to request, will likely return a 404 error.

Directory Tree
├── index.html
├──  css/
│   └──  style.css
├──  images/
│   ├──  photo-1.jpg
│   └──  photo-2.jpg
└──  pages/
    ├──  about.html 
    ├──  contact.html
    └──  gallery.html

Neat-O This site has over 100 child and grandchild directories to keep its many pages organized!

development directory organize page child