To a Specific Part of the Same Page

Sometimes pages are partcularly long, or you’re using a one-page site layout. We can use the ID attribute in HTML to create links to specific portions of a page.

One attribute that can be assigned to almost any HTML element is id. This attribute is used to assign unique identifiers to each element, so that those specific elements can be referenced through HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

Part 1 - Identify where the link will go:

To assign an element an unique identifier, you should include the following code in the opening tag.

Important When assigning ids on the same page, no two elements should have the same values (ie, names).

  To Part 1
  To Part 2

  <h3 id="first-heading">Part 1</h3>
  <h3 id="second-heading">Part 2</h3>

Part 2 - Assign the reference:

Note You may be familar with “anchors”, which were used in HTML4. This practice is defunct in HTML5, but the end-result is very similar.

To link to an HTML element with an assigned id, simply use the id in the hyper-reference (href), prepended with a hashtag character (#).

In the following code, the link in line 1, would connect to the h2 element in line 3.

  <a href="#first-heading">To Part 1</a>
  <a href="#second-heading">To Part 2</a>

  <h2 id="first-heading">Part 1</h2>
  <h2 id="second-heading">Part 2</h2>

See it in action!

development id link