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Using GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service, and is required for you to use in this course. But you may be wondering why? Well, GitHub is a major tool that developers use to - well, develop - and how we’re going to help you create, fix, and build websites.
GitHub Repository Hosting
GitHub allows users to have an unlimited number of public repositories under 2GB each. Your source code is publicly available to the world for them to view and fork (copy). This is great, as it encourages “open source” software projects. Open source software encourages the development of shared knowledge and progress within the open source community. It also means that all code is publicly viewable.
Advanced Collaboration Tools:
As you saw in the above video, GitHub also provides advanced collaboration tools. This is not something you will use much this semester. However, it is important to know about and you will use it in future projects.
Static Website Hosting:
GitHub also provides a service known as GitHub pages. This service provides free static website hosting. This is what you will primarily use this semester to host your web projects. (Did I mention it is FREE? This means you do not have to purchase server providers from another company.)
Community Wiki Pages:
Each repository also contains a community-editable wiki page, which can provide in depth information and how-to tutorials on a specific project.
Issue Tracker:
The Issues tracker serves as a place for people to create new “issues” or “feature requests”. This can then be used to assign people to work on these issues, ask for help from other users, or track the progress of a new feature.
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