Semantic Markup

image of Cluedo boardgame

Semantic markup us used to reinforce the semantics - or meaning - of the information in a document. Semantic markup might be used to place emphasis on a word or phrase, or identify a word as being strong. They can also provide citations or quotations, link to definitions, or distinguish editorial changes.

For example:

Known as Clue in North America, Cleudo is a murder-mystery game based on strategy and deduction. Players make arguments based on their questioning of the perpetrator, location, and method of the crime.

<p>Known as <cite>Clue</cite> in North America, <cite>Cleudo</cite> is a murder-mystery game based on <b>strategy</b> and <b>deduction.</b> Players make arguments based on their questioning of the perpetrator, location, and method of the crime.</p>

We can use this pattern in HTML using text, tags, and markup to create arguments for our content and its meaning.