
In addition to setting the color of background elements and text, we developers may dictate the opacity of elements themselves of just the background-color of an element.

Opacity is set as a ratio between 0.0 - 1.0. This controls how much, if at all, elements behind the element in question may be seen. A value of 0.0 would make the element in question invisible, and 1.0, make it totally opaque.

There are two ways to dictate opacity.

Background Opacity

In order to change the opacity of the background-color only, you can pass rgba() (as opposed to rgb()).

Like, rgb(), rgba(), takes three numbers to define the ratios of red, green, & blue. However, rgba() also take a fourth number, in the range of 0.0-1.0, to define the opacity level.

For example, set a content box to be black, at half-opacity:

.text-box {
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

Element Opacity

If the goal is to change the opacity of an entire element, as well as its contents, then you can call the separate opacity: property. Like the fourth argument for rgba(), this property takes a single number, between 0.0-1.0, to represent the opacity of an element.

For example, set the entire contents of a container to be at half-opacity.

div.inner-container {
    opacity: 0.5;


The following example creates 4 elements:

  1. .body-1 is the furthest back, and has no opacity values set.
  2. .box-1.inner is nested within box one. The color is set to green, and CSS specifies the opacity: property be set to 0.5. Notice how both the color of the box, as well as the white text, are effected by the red of box-1.
  3. box-2 is a separate element, which has been positioned to overlap the other two boxes. Notice that it uses the rgba() property, which allows the background color to allow bleed through, but NOT the text.
  4. image-box is just a flat, black graphic.