Jan 14, 2018 • Justine
Grades: Last Name A - E
Professional de-constructor, media artist, digital designer, and experimenter. Avid connoisseur of B-movies and Jonny Cash.
Office: McGill 234
Hours: Wed 12:30-3:00 Thu 12:30-3:00
Lab Assistant
Grades: Last Name F - O
Senior in Media Arts in signal processing, creative coding, and digital audio of all kinds. Can be found making magic at the campus radio station.
Location: McGill 127
Hours: Tue 11:00-12:00 Wed 3:30-4:30
Grades: Last Name P - Z
Current computer Science student, former Music Education major, professional guitarist, and all-around goofball.
Hours: Mon 12:00-1:00 Wed 12:00-1:00
Course Originator
Media artist, music technologist, composer, performer, improviser, and researcher in interactive performance systems.