2018 Summer Session Syllabus
May 21, 2018 • Justine
If you think math is hard, try web design.
- Trish Parr
Course Overview
This course is intended to make you comfortable with presenting yourself through the web. In addition, you will learn skills that should allow you to build, manage, and develop websites.
We will start with an overview of technologies used for web development. This will be followed by an in-depth presentation of HTML and CSS, and will conclude by exploring responsive web design, site frameworks, and site management solutions.
This is exclusively an online course. As such, you will be expected to engage with all content through this main site. You will be assessed through regular project-based assignments, writings, and community engagement. The course will conclude with a final build (personal website) which will need to utilize all knowledge gained throughout the semester.
There are three main destinations you should bookmark:
- Moodle: You will submit and share your homework and review your grades via Moodle. Assignments, Projects, and Workshop requirements will all be provided here.
- Course Main Website: Where all your learning materials are hosted, like an online textbook.
- GitHub Resources Repo: Location for homework examples and the required Issues board.
- Required: HTML & CSS by John Duckett (More information available on Moodle)
- Optional: HTML5: Up & Running, a community-sourced book of information on HTML5.
You'll need a few applications to help you on your development journey, and well as a place to host it all. All of these services are free.
- Browser(s): You need the most up-to-date version of Safari, Chrome, and/or Firefox (etc).
- Atom Editor: Atom is a great versatile text editor (although you may use another if you prefer).
- GitHub Account: You will be expected to maintain a github.io repository and website via GitHub where you will post your weekly homework assignments.
- GitHub Desktop App: We will be using Git, a free and open-source distributed version control system. This should already be installed on your computer. We recommend this GUI-based front-end application for ease-of-use, although you can push directly through Terminal or Command Line if preferred.
Over the course of the session we will focus on three major web languages: HTML5 and creating structure in websites; CSS3 and adding style; and Markdown, the lightweight language used in documentation.
- Project 1: Introduction to Technologies
- Markdown
- Development Environment
- Text Editors
- Browsers
- Git Version Control
- The index.html
- Setting Up Your Git Repository and Live Site
- Project 2: HTML5
- Viewing Source Code, Snooping
- Stuctural and Semantic Markup
- Self-hosted vs. Streaming File Storage
- Debugging
- Project 3: CSS3
- CSS3
- Color
- Typography
- Normal & Pseudo States
- Box Models
All homework will be submitted on Moodle under specific assignment modules. You will submit links to your code sketch and technical reports/readme.md files (both hosted via your GitHub repository) for every assignment.
Your homework will be assessed by the instructor and recorded in Moodle.
We will have weekly assignments that are relevant to material from the previous topic. These assignments build on each other and culminate in a multi-page project at the end of the module.
Reports (AKA README files)
You will need to talk about your assignment processes in your technical reports. It is expected that everyone in the class will create and maintain a GitHub repository for their assignments, and you will do this in a readme.md, written in Markdown.
This course will culminate with full site builds. You are expected to push your abilities to produce something that utilizes what you have learned in the class that is useful in some manner to yourself or the world.
Assessment Guidelines
Grades for all assignments will be based primarily on the student’s ability to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the specific characteristics and integrative capabilities of the assigned topic in your own words and code.
- Articulate a clear and concise perspective. Cutting and pasting or copying word-for-word off the Internet will result in loss of points.
- Present an organized file/program, as well as technical report; including proper and punctual delivery of the assignment files.
- Demonstrate creativity beyond the expected technical requirements.
This course’s points are broken up into 3 primary areas:
Homework (40%)
These are the major coding requirements, usually single pages that contribute to your understanding of web design as a whole. Primarily, homework assignments consist of finding and fixing problems to provided websites, although you may be asked to create new files from time-to-time.
Projects (45%)
In contrast, Projects will be largely open-ended. You will be given a set list of tasks or inclusions, but the overall site design will be up to you. Workshops area two-part peer review process. You will submit your Project to its Workshop to be reviewed by your peers. After the submission phase, you will be delegated 2-3 other classmate’s sites to review in turn. You are graded both on the project and your educated comments in these reviews.
Final (15%)
At the end of the course, you’ll be expected to create a meaningful website that showcases your work as an acadmeic, artisan, writer, or other professional. It will contain relavant media (videos, images, audio, etc), statements, written content, and contact form, and will need to demonstrate your understanding of web languages and design.
Summer Deadlines and Late Work
All homework will be due before the final week of the session. That last week (June 18-22) will be reserved for your final project.
Any late work turned in during that final week will recieve a 25% deduction in points.
No late work can be accepted after June 22, 2018 (the end of the session).
Grading breakdown is as follows:
Grade | Points | Percent | Transcript |
A | 1860 - 2000 | 93% and Above | 4.0 |
A- | 1800 - 1859 | 90 - 92% | 3.7 |
B+ | 1740 - 1799 | 87 - 89% | 3.3 |
B | 1660 - 1739 | 83 - 86% | 3.0 |
B- | 1600 - 1659 | 80 - 82% | 2.7 |
C+ | 1540 - 1599 | 77 - 79% | 2.3 |
C | 1460 - 1539 | 73 - 76% | 2.0 |
C- | 1400 - 1459 | 70 - 72% | 1.7 |
D+ | 1340 - 1399 | 67 - 69% | 1.3 |
D | 1260 - 1339 | 63 - 66% | 1.0 |
D- | 1200 - 1259 | 60 - 62% | 0.7 |
F | 0000 - 1199 | 59% and Below | 0.0 |
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at http://www.umt.edu/vpesa/Dean of Students/default.php.