Web Design & Development*

* Pure wizardy? Nope! And we can prove it.

Overview of the Course

This course is intended to make you comfortable with presenting yourself through the web. In addition, you will learn skills that should allow you to build, manage, and develop websites.

We will start with an overview of technologies used for web development. This will be followed by an in-depth presentation of HTML and CSS, and will conclude by exploring responsive web design, site frameworks, beginning scripting, and site management solutions.

What to Expect

Coding. Learning. Engagement. Great websites.

This course will force you to learn and adapt to new technologies, while also thinking about design, and content creation. Some weeks will lean more technical in nature, while others (albeit fewer) will be more design-based.

Just as the content focus will shift, so to will the work amount. Some weeks, especially those when new topics are being introduced, have a heavier workload. The goal of this is to make you practice with these new technologies and techniques. Other weeks will slow down and allow you to practice at a more exploratory pace.

Homework AKA { TODO: }

The topics laid out on this website contain code samples that you should try as you go along, effectively listed under { TODO: } headings. The “Wrapping-Up” tabs will list what you need to have accomplished for grading by the topic’s end.

You will receive additional directives and notes on the homework page for each assignment via the “Projects” listings from the main Repo. Further instructions will be provided over the next two weeks.

Class Goals and the Final Project

The main goal of this course is to allow you an opportunity to become comfortable with technologies used in web design. Another primary goal is to get you thinking about web design and possibilities for content creation via the web. Your homework through the semester will build on these two ideas.

The final project will be a site of your making, and should build on all of your learnings from the semester. Requirements will be stated the last third of the course.

Topic Goals

Located on all overview pages, this area will give you a quick rundown the main goals you should meet before continuing on to the next.

By the end of this Topic, we hope you:

  1. Understand how the course is laid-out and functions.
  2. View all associated sites and required resources.
  3. See who your educators are for this semester!

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