Topic 08:
CSS Pt. 2

Moving on with CSS, this week will cover text and fonts. This will including looking at;

  • Typography
  • Choosing Fonts
  • Normal, Hover, and Active States

Continuation of Project 3

The second part will get you looking at and working with text, and how we can make it visually interesting without sacrificing structure and legibility.

Project Part

Topic Goals

By the end of this Topic, we hope you:

  1. Know how to source fonts from the web.
  2. Understand the difference and usage of system, web, and web-safe fonts.
  3. Have considered appropriate text styling, balancing “fun” and “functionality” in your site design.

Concluding this Topic, you should have the bulk of your Project 3 completed! This second part should get you laying out your content’s stucture in HTML, and using CSS to select and apply font families and text styling. Your last CSS assignment will be about layout, and it will be much easier to implement your ideas when your site content is already decided.

Next section: