Topic 01:
Internetting Pt. 1

This topic is all about the internet, what it is, and what it isn’t. You’ll also get a chance to explore the GitHub Issues board and Project panel that we’ll be using for this course.

Introduction to Project 1

Introductory Project: My First Web Page!

Your first project introduces the class and its tools (GitHub), as well as the (in)tangibility of the internet and world wide web.

Duration: 3 Modules/Weeks

The first part of this project will simply be your first interaction with the GitHub repo and Issues board, and sharing your reaction with this Topic’s materials.

Project Part

Topic Goals

By the end of this Topic, we hope you:

  1. Have some idea what the internet is and is not, and be able to articulate these opinions.
  2. Understand what web development is and is not, and keep it in mind going forward.
  3. Use the GitHub Issues board to post a reply to a live issue.

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