The Internet:

Let’s watch some videos to better understand what the “Internet” is. Part of web development is understanding how to get your web site online, and to make sure it stays online. This means you need to have a basic understanding of what the Internet actually is, and how it works. These videos cover a number of higher-level topics intended to help you understand how data flows from you to me. Take a look!

What is the Internet?

How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes

“It’s a wire?” (Yes, yes it is.)

Andrew Blum: What is the Internet, really?

The Web is Not the Net

Tim Berners-Lee; the man who proposed what we know today: the World Wide Web.

The Internet: Wires, Cables, & Wifi

The Internet: IP Addresses & DNS

The Internet: Packets, Routing & Reliability

The Internet: HTTP & HTML

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Please watch all videos listed above.

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