Chaining Selectors:

In addition to using a single selector, developers can also chain selectors to increase the specificity of their request.

Direct Chaining

You can create a direct chain in CSS that tells the browser to grab a specific element. To do this, you simply place selectors together, without any spaces.

In the following example, the rule tells the browser to select all paragraph (<p>) elements with the class “secondary-description”.

NOTE: The use of the dot (.) in the class selector.

p.secondary-description {


Descendant Selector

The descendant selector tells the browser to select all elements that are a descendant of the first.

To create a descendant selector, place spaces between each subsequent selector.

NOTE: The sub-level does not matter, only that the element is hierarchically related to the first.

In the following example, only paragraph elements in the second div block are selected.

Child Selector

The child selector tells the browser to select only the direct children of the parent element. To create a child selector chain, use the “greater than” operator between elements (>).

In the following example, the browser should only select the paragraph elements that are direct children of the div element “my-block”. It ignores the paragraph element inside the div block “inner-block”.

Adjacent Sibling Selector

Use the plus sign (+) to create an adjacent sibling selector chain. This tells the browser to select the next element (and only the next element) that matches the search criteria.

General Sibling Selector

Use the tilda (~) sign to create a “general sibling” relationship between elements. This selects any elements that are siblings (i.e. at the same indention level) as the first element.

{ TODO: }

Read page 238 of Chapter 10 in Duckett.

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