CSS Pt. 2

A lot of communicating happens through the textual content of webpages. It is important that your sites create clear, compelling, and readable presentations for your text.

As you can tell from all that has been covered, this goes beyond simply choosing a set of fonts. The presentation of text ventures towards the skill set of expert typographers.

Part 2/3 of Project 3

Continuing with your chosen theme of blog, article, or book, short story, essay, or poem, you’re going to build the bulk of your HTML content and apply decorative styling.


For this module, you should have created your index.html with typographic styling, that introduces your product (in this case, your writing. It should have a basic list of links to navigate your site.


This second second page should contain the written piece, either whole or in part. You should spend the majority of your time here.


The about page should including a short biography of the author, a quote or factoid, and a related image (such as locale, profile picture, logo, etc).


Most sites include a contact page and/or form. Create a simple page containing a basic form which includes areas for a reader to input their name, email, and comment. Don’t forget the Submit button!

Need a refresher?

<form action="http://www.example.com/contact.php" method="post">
    <!-- This is where the related form elements and controls will appear. -->


Continue documenting your learning progress in your Project 3 Readme as you go along. This week, below your color palette, add your thought process to selecting your theme, and how your colors and font choices enhance it.


You are expected to have completed these tasks:

  1. Completed HW-04 from last Topic (your discussion on color in your Readme.md)
  2. Completed the HTML and CSS typographical cdstyling requirements for your index.html, about.html, sample.html, and contact.html pages for Project 3, The Literature Showcase, as per the requirements found on the previous page.

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