Current Assignment(s)
Due: Recommended by Monday, 5.21
Text Documents
Text documents include many file types and can be simply described as any file that stores an ASCII character set (as opposed to binary data), which is the most common format for the English language. These text files can include text documents of prose, code, or some combination of both.
What types of files are text documents?
The simplest and most common text document is a “text file”, which will bare the .txt
extension. This generic document type contains only ASCII characters. These are the common characters you use for writing and reading (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), and special characters (such as #, %, !, ., etc.). These files also include carriage returns (new line), tabs, spaces, and an end-of-file (eof) designation that let’s a program know where the file finishes. This last group, of course, contains characters that are there but that are not displayed in basic text editors.
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